Competing at Spring Live!

Spring Live! is home to some to a selection of competitions, including the our Fun Dog Show, the Pygmy Goat Club Show. Plus NEW to 2025, the Horticultural Committee are running Flower Arranging and Living Things and Their Habitats competitions.

Horticultural Competitions

NEW to Spring Live! 2025 is a Flower arranging and Living Things and Their Habitats competition!

Living Things and Their Habitats
Make a Bird box or Bug hotel!
Open to children ages 4-11 years old, entries can be a team or individual effort.
Entries close on 4th April.
Click here for the entry form and to find out more.

Flower Arranging
Open to Individuals and Horticultural Clubs/Societies
Entries close on 14th April.
Click here for the entry form and to find out more.

Build a Bench Competition
The winning bench will be placed in our Wildflower Garden.
Entries close 28th February
. Items need to be delivered to the Showground 25th April 2025. 
Click here for the entry form and to find out more.

Any questions please email

Alpaca Display

Due to Bluetongue restrictions we are unable to host the South of England Alpaca Show this year. However, you can still meet some of these charming and friendly creatures. Plus learn how they provide the softest and finest fleeces to the UK fibre industry in the alpaca display.

The Pygmy Goat Club Show

Returning to Spring Live! is the Pygmy Goat Club Show, including 12 different classes, which has moved from the South of England Show. Click here for all the information and to enter.

Fun Dog Show

Visitors and their dogs can participate in our Fun Dog Show which is held on Sunday. Dogs and owners can enter on the day for £2 per dog per class. Classes will cover Pedigree Sporting Dog, Pedigree Non- Sporting, Best Puppy (under 12mths), Golden Oldie (7yrs +), Prettiest Bitch, Handsome Dog, Best Child Handler (under 16yrs), Best Rescue, Waggiest Tail, Dog Judge would most like to take home and Best in Show for all the winners from the previous categories. Rosettes will be awarded for 1st – 6th place with prizes for 1st and 2nd and a trophy for Best in Show. Click here for the schedule.

Sussex Coast Rabbit Club Show

The Sussex Coast Rabbit Club Show is a popular fixture at Spring Live! with a variety of competition categories. To enter the pet classes for rabbits and cavies (guinea pigs) please book your pet in 5 days prior to the show by contacting Sam Turner on 07394 295567 or email The entry fee is £2 per animal to be paid on arrival, with rosettes for all and another for best adult pet, best child pet, and best pet in show. Please bring water bottles, hay, feed/forage and bedding for the show pen.

Poultry Show from the Arun Valley Poultry Fanciers Society

Thanks to the lifting of Avian Flu restrictions the team from Arun Valley Poultry Fanciers Society will be holding a full Poultry Show at Spring Live! as well as providing lots of displays and information on poultry owning, eggs and hatching.  Email for information.

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