Loan a Lamb

The South of England Agricultural Society Loan a Lamb scheme is held in partnership with LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) education and is financially supported by the East Sussex Proficiency Test Committee. It provides an opportunity for local primary schools to care for a ewe and her lambs for five days.

With the help of farmers from the region, this scheme provides hands-on experience for children to learn about and understand the complexities of sheep farming and animal care.

Participating schools are supplied with all the necessary equipment and training to house and feed the livestock properly for the duration of their visit. They also receive information about the farmers’ practices, including guidelines on feeding, bedding, maintenance, and health monitoring. In addition, schools receive information on how to incorporate the experience into the children’s learning and curriculum based on their age.

If you are interested in participating in this programme, please get in touch with our Charity Support Administrator at for more information.


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